School Uniform

At Robert Clack School we pride ourselves in being smart, well presented and ready for learning. It is our policy that all pupils wear school uniform when attending school, travelling to and from school, or when participating in school-organised events outside of normal school hours. We ask our pupils to take pride in their personal appearance. Whenever school uniform is worn, it must be complete and not mixed with non-uniform clothing. This includes when travelling to and from school, at which times the uniform must be worn.

Children should not have decorative patterns cut into their hair or have hair coloured or dyed unnatural colours

For further information, please click here to view the uniform policy or read the detailed guidance below.

Girls Boys
Black blazer with school badge Black blazer with school badge
Black tailored, regular fit, trousers (6"-8" hem width) to be worn on or above the hips OR Black knee length box pleated skirt to be worn at or just above the knee. Black tailored, regular fit, trousers (6"-8" hem width) to be worn on or above the hips
White school shirt with collar which must be fully tucked in at all times White school shirt with collar which must be fully tucked in at all times
School tie worn to waist length and visible at all times. School tie worn to waist length and visible at all times.
A 'v'-necked, plain black school jumper is - optional, to be worn under the blazer but not in place of the blazer. A 'v'-necked, plain black school jumper is - optional, to be worn under the blazer but not in place of the blazer.
Plain black socks. (Low cut, trainer socks are not allowed) Or Plain black- or flesh-coloured, full-length tights. Plain black socks. (Low cut, trainer socks are not allowed)
Religious headwear, if worn, must be black and arranged so that the tie is visible. Religious headwear, if worn, must be black and arranged so that the tie is visible.
Hair accessories: small and simple in black, white or red, with no large decorations. Hair accessories: small and simple in black, white or red, with no large decorations.
Sensible*, flat black shoes, including Kickers Sensible*, flat black shoes, including Kickers

In cold weather, a plain, dark coloured outer jacket is permitted.

*No heels or ‘fashion shoes’. For example, platform shoes or ankle straps. Kicker shoes may be worn in school. We do not allow “Timberland”, “Lacoste”, “Vans”, trainers, plimsolls or canvas shoes.

Uniform can be purchased online from: Khalsa schoolwear.

Items not listed above are not part of the School Uniform and cannot be worn. 

Jewellery, Hair, Make-up, and other items

  • Jewellery is not allowed.
  • Hoodies and tracksuit tops are not allowed.
  • If belts are worn, they must be plain and black with a plain buckle. Buckles must not be oversized or emblazoned with logos.
  • Only badges and items provided by the School can be displayed.
  • Hair bands, ribbons, bows or ‘scrunchies’ must be plain and either black, red or white.
  • Hair bands must not have large flowers or other decorations attached.
  • A silk/satin headscarf may be worn if it is plain black and no wider than 1 inch either side of the hairline - with no large bows or knots.
  • Make up, nail varnish, false nails and false eyelashes must not be worn to school.
  • Pupils must not have decorative patterns cut into their hair or have hair coloured or dyed non-natural colours.
  • Pupils must not have patterns or sections cut into their eyebrows.
  • No tattoos or visible undergarments are permitted.

School uniform expectations during lessons:

  • Students must adhere to the School’s uniform policy during lessons. If the weather is hot, then students may be allowed to remove blazers.
  • We take pride in our school tie and badge and they must be visible at all times.

School uniform expectations at Break Time and Lunch Time:

  • Students will adhere to the School’s uniform policy, including wearing their blazers at all times, if they are in or around the main school buildings.
  • If students are involved in some form of physical activity in an open space, then blazers may be removed.

School uniform expectations when students leave the School site at the end of the day:

  • At the end of each day all students will adhere to the School’s uniform policy when they are leaving the site or in close proximity to the School and when travelling home from school.

The Role of Parents/carers.

We believe that one of the key responsibilities of parents/carers is to ensure that their child has the correct uniform and PE kit, and that it is clean, in good repair and that the pupil’s name is visibly labelled on all items. If a parent/carer has difficulties for any reason with fulfilling this request, they are asked to speak to a member of school staff.

PE Kit

For all students:

  • Robert Clack School rugby jersey in red with blue side panels (winter and summer).
  • Robert Clack School black shorts with school crest.
  • Robert Clack School red polo shirt with school crest (summer only)
  • Black silk/satin scarves can be worn to protect hair during contact sports, which must be tied tightly at the back of the head.
  • Long, plain red football socks.
  • Training shoes (no plimsolls).
  • Rugby/football boots (compulsory for girls and boys).
  • Towel and change of underwear.
  • Shin pads and gum shields are required for all sports including hockey, football and rugby.


  • Robert Clack School black tracksuit bottoms with school crest - optional for cold weather lessons.
  • Cricket whites - for those selected for the school team.

PE Kit can be purchased online from: Khalsa schoolwear.


Khalsa Schoolwear
Dagenham Store,
Unit 1 Cromwell Centre,
Selinas Lane,
Dagenham RM8 1QH

Tel: 020 7729 3286

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