
Careers Advisor - Mr J Hamill

Tel: 0208 270 4200


Students at Robert Clack School have access to an excellent Careers Programme which supports them to progress to a range of excellent further study and employment destinations at the end of Year 11 and Year 13. 

Students receive impartial and personalised information, advice and guidance throughout their time at Robert Clack enabling them to decide on the best pathway to a successful and fulfilling future career. 

The school utilises established links with an impressive range of higher education providers, employers' organisations, outside agencies and our alumni to provide students with enriching and inspiring encounters with employers, workplaces and universities. 

Please see an outline of the Careers Programme below and if you would like any further information please contact the school Careers Advisor: 

Careers Advisor: Mr Hamill 


Telephone: 020 8270 4200 (Ext: 1121) 

  • Year 7

    Skills for Life Programme – What are you good at? What do you enjoy?

    Year 7 students benefit from a series of lessons as part of the Skills for Life Programme which supports them to reflect on:

    • The questions “What are you good at? What do you enjoy?”
    • Their learning styles and key skills
    • How to set and achieve goals and targets

    These lessons help Year 7 students to begin shaping their vision for their future career.

  • Year 8

     Skills for Life Programme – Professional Communication

    Year 8 students benefit from a series of lessons as part of the Skills for Life Programme which supports them to understand:

    • The importance of professional verbal, non-verbal and written communication
    • How to communicate effectively and professionally in online communication
    • How to present themselves in a professional and positive way

    Aim Higher Day

    Year 8 students benefit from a day off timetable in which they participate in a programme of workshops and presentations from over 50 employers and alumni. The Aim Higher Day enables students to:

    • Learn more about university study and apprenticeships
    • Experience encounters with employers and further and higher education providers
    • Improve their understanding of a range of careers and the labour market
    • Link their curriculum learning to their career plans
    • Reflect on their skills, talents and ambitions
  • Year 9

    Skills for Life Programme – Future Career Planning

    Year 9 students benefit from a series of lessons as part of the Skills for Life Programme which supports them to:

    • Consider a range of future careers and the skills and attributes needed
    • Reflect on their own skills, talents and strengths
    • Understand how to make effective subject choices for GCSE and beyond
    • Link their curriculum learning to their career plans
    • Develop their understanding of university study and apprenticeships

    Drop Down Day – Seize the Day

    Year 9 students benefit from workshops that support and enable them to explore the importance of aspirations.

    GCSE Options Process

    Year 9 students benefit from extensive, personalised information, advice and guidance through assemblies and options evening. This supports them to choose a specialised GCSE curriculum that supports their future career plans and specific needs.

  • Year 10

    PSHE Programme – Careers Planning and Professional Communication and Presentation

    Year 10 students benefit from a series of lessons as part of the PSHE programme which supports them to:

    • Extend and deepen their understanding of university study and apprenticeships
    • Further reflect on their own career plans and aspirations
    • Understand how to write an effective CV, personal statement and covering letter
    • Understand how to communicate and present themselves professionally and effectively in an interview

    Employers Interview Skills Day

    Every Year 10 student benefits from a mock interview with a visiting employer drawn from the school’s alumni and links with employers organisations. All students receive personalised feedback on their interview skills with clear guidance on how to continue developing their skills further.

  • Year 11

    Careers Interviews

    Every Year 11 student benefits from a 1:1 Careers Interview with the school’s Careers Officer in which they discuss their aspirations and receive expert advice and guidance to assist them in forming a personalised action plan for achieving their desired next step.

    Sixth Form Admissions Process

    • Through a series of assemblies, the Sixth Form Open Evening and online resources, Year 11 students benefit from extensive information, advice and guidance about making effective choices from the range of subjects on offer in the Sixth Form. 
    • Students who apply to the Sixth Form benefit from 1:1 guidance interviews to support them to make well informed choices
    • Applicants to the Sixth Form participate in Induction Days and taster lessons, and complete bridging work to ensure that they are well prepared for a strong start to Sixth Form study

    College Application Support

    Students who plan to go to college after their GCSEs are supported with an additional 1:1 meeting with the Careers Officer to provide them with further guidance about the range of college courses on offer and advice on completing an effective application.

    Top Universities Enrichment Evening

    Students who aspire to study at the most competitive universities and degree courses benefit from an information evening providing them with:

    • Guidance about studying at competitive universities
    • Advice on activities that they can undertake to be best prepared for an effective application to a competitive university
    • Insights from alumni who have successfully applied to competitive universities
  • Year 12

    EPQ Programme

    Year 12 students benefit from a series of lessons as part of the EPQ programme which supports them to:

    • Complete a mini-EPQ (Extended Project Qualification) project
    • Develop high level academic research and presentation skills 
    • Develop key learning behaviours in order to maximise their progress in the Sixth Form

    Unifrog Programme

    All Year 12 students benefit from access to the Unifrog platform to support them in preparing for their future career after the Sixth Form. Through a series of lessons and assignments students:

    • Research potential careers, university courses and apprenticeships
    • Build a record of their experiences, skills and competencies
    • Learn about effective personal statements, CVs, covering letters and interview skills

    Achieve Excellence Programme – Enrichment and Super-Curricular Opportunities

    Year 12 students have access to an impressive range of enrichment and super-curricular activities including summer schools, study days, lectures, university and employer visits, mentoring and taster days. Opportunities are shared regularly and students are supported to apply for schemes.

    Work Experience

    All Year 12 students undertake at least one week of work experience in the summer term. Students are able to choose from a range of exciting placements and are supported to make effective choices.

    UCAS Progression Days

    All Year 12 students participate in a series of progression days to enable them to make a successful start to completing their UCAS application and writing an excellent personal statement.

    Early Applicant Mentoring

    Year 12 students wishing to apply to Oxbridge or for Medicine, Dentistry or Veterinary Medicine benefit from 1:1 mentoring to ensure that they are well prepared to submit a successful application as part of this competitive process.

  • Year 13

    UCAS Mentoring

    All Year 13 students who wish to apply to university benefit from 1:1 mentoring from a dedicated UCAS tutor. Tutors support the students to:

    • Make effective choices of courses to which they wish to apply
    • Complete the UCAS application form successfully
    • Produce an excellent personal statement
    • All Year 13 students also have a final meeting with the Head of Sixth Form to ensure that their application is of the highest quality before submission

    Apprenticeship Mentoring

    All Year 13 students who wish to apply for apprenticeships benefit from 1:1 mentoring from the Careers Officer and the Head of Sixth Form. Students are supported to:

    • Research and shortlist a range of exciting apprenticeship opportunities
    • Prepare application materials such as CVs, personals statements and covering letters
    • Practise application skills such as assessment tasks and interviews

    Employability Skills Day

    Year 13 apprenticeship applicants are given the opportunity to participate in a day of workshops and activities run by BDSIP designed to help them further improve their CVs and interview skills.

    Employer and Apprenticeship Visits

    Year 13 students benefit from presentations from visiting employers and apprenticeship providers as well as trips to visit workplaces and apprenticeship and employment fairs. These opportunities extend students understanding of the range of apprenticeships available and enable them to build effective networks and contacts with employers.

How does the school measure and assess the impact of its Careers Programme on pupils?

At Robert Clack we are justifiably proud of our Careers programme and the way that we prepare all of our pupils for the world of work. Our programme has been praised by numerous employers and charities such as Business in the Community. We were invited to give evidence to the Education select panel at the Houses of Parliament as an example of best practice in schools.

We use the Gatsby benchmarks when designing and evaluating our careers programme. The full report is available here. This clearly shows that at KS3 all except benchmarks 6 and 8 are met multiple times and in KS4 and KS5 all benchmarks are met. More information about the detail of these can be found by contacting the Careers Advisor.

The eight Gatsby benchmarks of Good Career Guidance are:

1. A stable careers programme

2. Learning from career and labour market information

3. Addressing the needs of each pupil

4. Linking curriculum learning to careers

5. Encounters with employers and employees

6. Experiences of workplaces

7. Encounters with further and higher education

8. Personal guidance

Primarily, the school measures the impact of its Careers Programme through the excellent range of destinations to which students progress at the end of KS4 and KS5. Careers provision is reviewed annually and forms part of the report to the school’s governors each September. Any improvements needed will be made to the programme offered. The next review will take place in September 2022 and the information in this section will be updated.

Please see the following key documents for further information:

Useful Careers Websites - Please use the links below to support your child in researching future careers and university study:

  • BBC Bitesize Careers - Helpful advice on the world of work, writing CV’s and possible career choices. The Careers A-Z contains a huge amount of information on everything from being an Accountant to a Zoologist.
  • National Careers Service from the Government -Accessible guide for young people with lots of examples. Links subjects/ courses with possible careers. Check out the Job Snapshots to get an idea of some of the careers available and what you need to get there.
  • Success at School - Explore different careers, how to get there and what to study in the Careers Zone. Explore life on campus and get updates on open dates in the Universities section.
  • Discover Uni from the Government – A useful guide to help you explore and search different universities and courses. The course wizard and ‘How to Choose a Course’ tools are particularly helpful.
  • WHICH? - Advice from ‘Which? University’ about GCSE choices. Links to information about A-levels and university courses.
  • The Russell Group Universities - The Russell Group represents 24 of the UK’s leading universities. Download and read the annually updated guide, "Informed Choices". It includes advice on the best subject combinations for a wide range of university courses, as well as advice on the best choices if you don’t know what you want to study after school and need to keep your options open.
  • UCAS - UCAS is the ‘University and Colleges Admissions Services’. Access the main UCAS website to explore the wealth of university courses available and find out more about what universities are looking for in applicants. Investigate UCAS Progress to explore post-16 and further education courses.
  • Guardian – The Guardian University Guide provides rankings of universities and university courses in the UK based on a wealth of information.
  • Complete University Guide – The Complete University Guide is an independent site that provides rankings for UK universities. In addition, the site provides extensive course information and expert advice for students.

This information will be reviewed in September 2023.

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