The Governing Body of Robert Clack School is a diverse group of committed individuals who reflect the school community they serve. They uphold the school’s values of mutual respect, compassion, discipline, high expectations and aspirations, and hard work. The Governors (in partnership with the Headteacher) make a positive contribution by ensuring that the school delivers a broad and balanced curriculum, and demonstrates continuous improvement in its performance. They work hard at meeting their collective and individual responsibilities through a number of established committees and regular visits to the school. Governing bodies have three core strategic functions:
• Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction;
• Holding the Headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils;
• Overseeing the financial performance of the school to ensure value for money.
‘Governors are active and highly supportive. They are important critical friends to senior managers and other staff.’ (OFSTED)
All Governors gain great satisfaction from playing a part in helping to improve the education and life opportunities of our young people, and remain committed to helping the school make continued progress for the benefit of its pupils and their families, its staff and the wider community.
The term of office for all Governors is four years with the Chair and two Vice-Chairs being elected annually. The full Governing Body meets termly. The Curriculum and Finance & Discipline sub-committees meet twice each term.
For more information on the role of Governors in Barking & Dagenham schools, and how you might become a school governor, refer to the School Governors section on the Barking & Dagenham website:
Please note that when the school has a Parent Governor vacancy, parents are notified and given the opportunity to nominate themselves or another parent (with their consent). If more than one nomination is received, a secret ballot is held. Co-opted Governors and Local Authority Governors are elected by the Governing Body. Staff Governors are elected by the staff of Robert Clack School.
Please use this link to find out more about our Governors.
Finance & Discipline Committee
• Mr David Cane MBE (Chair of Finance Committee)
• Mr Roger Driscoll
• Mrs Carley Monk
• Mr Hassan Habtoune
• Mr J Course
• Miss E Lines
• Mr S O'Brien
• Mr S Richardson
• Dr R Spandl
• Mr R Taylor
Curriculum Committee
• Mrs C Monk (Chair of Curriculum Committee )
• All Governors open to attend
Please click here to see a list of Governor responsibilities.
Mrs Carley Monk (Chair of Governors)
Carley attended Robert Clack School as a pupil and currently has two children at the school. Her experience and knowledge in business administration, customer service and SEND are relevant to her role as Parent Governor at the school. Carley strongly believes that all pupils should be supported at school to enable them to reach their full potential, and that their mental health and well-being is of paramount importance alongside this.
Mr David Cane MBE
David lived in Barking and Dagenham for over 20 years and worked in the Borough for 16 of those. He has two children, both of which grew up in the borough. David has served for over 20 years on the board of Governors for Robert Clack School, with three of those as Chair. David works as a “Quality Director - Europe & South America” for probably the largest producer of Colour in the world.
Mr Roger Driscoll
Roger lived in Dagenham with his wife for 35 years. Both Roger and his wife worked in Dagenham until 2008 when they moved to Epping. Roger has served on the Governing Body for over 25 years. He has relatives and friends in Dagenham, and visits frequently. Roger’s interests include being Secretary of an angling club. Roger is a retired Quantity Surveyor and does not have any business interests that may conflict with the school.
Mr Ibrahim Hemaida
Mr Hemaida works for the NHS as a Matron specialised in ophthalmology. He is also a qualified quality improvement coach and expert in healthcare QI and currently working toward master black belt L6 qualification in improvement leadership and Six Sigma. He has been serving as parent governor at Robert Clack School since 2018 and he is committed to promoting continuous improvement in the School’s performance and making a positive contribution to the education of its pupils.
Miss Jane Meaden
Jane has lived in the Borough for just over 36 years. She has three children two of which attended Robert Clack. Jane has worked at Robert Clack School for nearly 20 years having worked in the SEN department, attendance, main office and have run the Learning Support Centre on the Gosfield Road site for the last 4 years where she supports our students academically and with their emotional well-being. This is her first year as a Staff Governor where she hopes to contribute to an already amazing team.