SEND at Robert Clack
SENDCo: Mr A Stansfield -
Deputy SENDCO: Mrs S Shevket (Lymington) -
Head of SEND Support: Mrs K Bell (Gosfield Road) -
Head of SEND Support: Mrs K Schofield (Green Lane) -
Phone: 0208 270 4200
Robert Clack School recognises that some of its students may require extra support and resources to realise their full academic, personal and social potential and is committed to providing pupils with a continuum of support which will ensure full access and inclusion to the National Curriculum. These aims should be considered as part of a whole school approach to Special Educational Needs. The SEND department works in partnership with the Senior Leadership Team, Heads of Year, Subject Leaders and all staff together with Parents/Carers, pupils and external agencies in responding to pupils’ educational needs.
The school is committed to valuing the individual needs and contributions of every pupil to the school community and has high expectations of all pupils, including those with SEN. As a school we take a holistic approach to students’ learning and development. SEND Students are fully integrated within all curriculum areas, in line with the Code of Practice (2015). Our aim is to support all pupils to become independent learners and develop their skills for life.
Definitions of Special Educational Needs and (SEN)
Under the Code of Practice (2015), the term ‘Special Educational Need’ (SEN) applies to a child or young person who has a learning difficulty or disability which calls for special educational provision to be made for them. A child of compulsory school age or a young person has a learning difficulty or disability if they:
(a) Have a significantly greater difficulty in learning than the majority of others of the same age; or
(b) Have a disability which prevents or hinders them from making use of educational facilities of a kind generally provided for others of the same age in mainstream schools or mainstream post-16 institutions.
Children and young people who have SEN tend to have more significant barriers to their learning. They do not necessarily have a disability and many disabled children and young people do not have special educational needs
The code defines four broad areas of need although, in practice, a child may often have needs in more than one area.
Important links
Click here to view the different areas of SEND needs, identification and assessment methods
Click here to view the different interventions we offer and information on staff training
Click here to view the school’s SEND policy
Click here to access information on the external agencies we work in partnership with
To view Barking and Dagenham’s local offer please follow this link:
Parent/carer involvement
here to view the parent/carer home learning guide
Complaints Procedure
In the first instance, all complaints should be addressed to the SENDCo (Mr Stansfield) and Head of SEND Support (Mrs Bell), however if this is not appropriate or should the complainant be unhappy with the outcome then the School’s usual complaints procedure should be followed, details of which can be found on the School’s website.
here to download a copy of the complaints procedure.