

Children join Barking and Dagenham schools in September if their fifth birthday falls between 1st September and 31st August in the designated academic year.

To view our prospectus please click here. If you wish for your child to join Robert Clack, please use this link.


Once a place has been allocated at Robert Clack Primary School, you will receive a letter detailing your child’s admission arrangements.


We also offer the following induction to children in the Early Years Foundation Stage:

A home visit.

We feel that it is important that the first contact that your child has with the members of staff who will be teaching your child during the school day, is in the security of their own home. The meeting will give you and school staff the opportunity to exchange vital information.


A staggered start.

There is a lot for the children to get to grips with when they start school, so we introduce things in stages. They will start by doing half days (either the morning or the afternoon) in small groups. Then they will come together as a whole class and do a half day and then a half day including lunch. Children then attend as normal unless they have any particular needs settling in, in which case special arrangements will be made as required.

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