Please find below details of our postal address, telephone and email.
On calling 020 8270 4200, you will be given options to contact each site:
Alternatively please use the online contact form on this page to send us your enquiry and we will respond as soon as possible.
If you wish to make a complaint, please address the queries to the following members of the Senior Leadership Team:
Primary School
Secondary School
For Safeguarding concerns, please email -
For SEN enquiries, please contact the school SENDCO - Mr A Stansfield -
If you are requesting additional copies of the most recent OFSTED report or one of our policies, or would like to have more information regarding the school curriculum, please quote this when contacting the school.
Robert Clack School Leisure Centre
Gosfield Road
Tel: 020 8270 4206
Public transport
Bus: 5, 103, 128, 129, 175
Nearest tube/train: Dagenham East or Dagenham Heathway.