This term, the Year 12 Sociology pupils had the opportunity to attend the annual London youth conference hosted by the Mulberry School.
Now in its 22nd year, this award-winning annual conference brings Sixth Form students together from a range of backgrounds to explore issues of common concern, including themes of equality and social justice, demonstrating that young people have the power to make a difference in their communities and on the world stage.
This year the conference explored 'disrupting discrimination' and how the arts and storytelling are important tools for social change.
Pupils were able to have informative discussions with their peers and create powerful pieces of artwork to exhibit their messages. Some pupils focused their creative pieces on the War in Palestine, whilst other students designed initiatives to tackle World Hunger. The topics were endless.
The pupils found the conference enjoyable with one describing it as “eye opening” as they got to hear powerful speeches from refugees and charity workers. The pupils felt the conference could not have come at a better time with the celebrations of World Book Day and International Women’s Day!