
Sociology is about the relationship between people and society. Sociologists look at the behaviour of ordinary people in their daily lives to understand the things that they do. It also looks at how we are shaped by society and how we become the people we are. Sociology teaches us the workings of society and helps us to explain human behaviour. 

As a Sociology student, you will explore and ask questions about the workings of the society you live in. Studying sociology will help you to understand how society is organised, and to make sense of your own experiences in it. Sociology can be thought provoking and challenging because it encourages us to think carefully about our views and assumptions. If you enjoy finding out what it is that makes people the way they are, and if you are interested in what is going on in the world, then you will enjoy studying Sociology. 

A qualification in sociology is very useful for people related careers such as police work, social work, Journalism, teaching, law, charity work and counselling.   

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