
Subject leader: Mr N Charman

Science is a subject that allows students to explore the world in which they live. Through Biology, Chemistry and Physics, everyday phenomena that promote, question and intrigue are explored and explained. Science is not just about what is taught; Science as a subject has the ability to shape the way that people think. To use evidence in backing up an argument, by carrying out experiments to conclude a question, and by investigating their environment students will gain an appreciation for life as a scientist and how science can be applied to everyday life. ​

Robert Clack prides itself on delivering a challenging, broad and engaging science curriculum for all students, as well as giving them opportunities to develop their life skills. From Year 7 through to Year 9, students are taught the experience the basics of science in a manner which enables them to specialise and structure responses at a GCSE level in Years 10 and 11. Pupils complete their GCSE in year 11 and are able to master school science through A Level and CTEC study. Outside of lessons we aim to offer students enrichment opportunities through science clubs, trips and events which help to develop students' science and cultural capital. ​

Biology, Chemistry and Physics all have the potential to unlock exciting university, higher education and apprenticeship courses, as well as being able to lead onto a diverse range of careers. But even if students do not follow a career in science, their knowledge they gain here at Robert Clack will prepare them to deal with everyday situations that they will experience in their adult lives.

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