The results achieved by Robert Clack pupils in A Level, Vocational and Tech Level qualifications are the highest achieved since examinations returned to normal. As a result, roughly 160 pupils will be taking up places to study at University in September with nearly 90% of pupils securing their first-choice courses.
“I feel very overwhelmed and very grateful. I am thankful to my amazing teachers and my dear friends. I know I have worked hard and I am so happy that after achieving A*A*A*, I will study Biomedical Science at University of Warwick.” (Mahadia)
High numbers of students will be going to study a wide range of degree courses at universities across the country including Engineering, Archaeology, Chemistry, Computer Science, English Literature, Law and Mathematics.
We are delighted to report that 3 pupils have secured places to study Medicine and 2 pupils have secured places to study at the Universities of Oxford (English Language and Literature) and Cambridge (Mathematics) respectively. Many pupils have also secured places at Russell Group universities with a large number of pupils choosing to study at top London universities such as Imperial College, UCL, Kings, LSE, and Queen Mary. We are also pleased that pupils have chosen to study at elite universities further afield such as Warwick, Bristol, Nottingham, York and Edinburgh.
“I am really happy that my hard work over the past two years has been put to good use. I want to thank my teachers for their dedication in helping me to attain these grades.” (Oladipupo)
A number of pupils chose to apply for highly-prized degree apprenticeship opportunities and have been offered places at top Management Consultant firms, chartered surveyors and Amazon.
The average grade achieved by pupils in A Level qualifications was B-. 23 pupils (31%) achieved the ‘gold standard’ of AAB or above, 21 pupils achieved A Level grades equivalent to AAA or above and 3 pupils achieved A*A*A* or above. One pupil achieved A*A*A*A*A in Maths, Further Maths, Physics, Chemistry and Biology and will be studying Mathematics at the University of Cambridge.
“I am absolutely thrilled with my results – I could not be happier. I want to express my gratitude to all those who helped me along the way. It wasn't easy but we got there in the end.” (Anthony)
The average grade achieved by pupils in Vocational and Tech Level qualifications was Distinction. 26 pupils (37%) achieved grade equivalent to Distinction- Distinction- Distinction or above and 7 pupils achieved Distinction*-Distinction*Distinction*.
“I want to thank the business and sports departments and also the Sixth Form Team for supporting me all the way and helping me to achieve my so successful results. Remember to stay dedicated and do not give up!” (Ellie)
Executive Headteacher, Russell Taylor, said:
“I am thrilled that our students have achieved the outstanding results that their hard work so richly deserves. More Robert Clack students than ever have secured places at the country’s top universities or degree apprenticeships at leading multinational companies. I am exceptionally grateful to our committed and hardworking colleagues, who have provided magnificent support to our students throughout their time at Robert Clack.
Unlike in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, where the devolved governments have retained lower grade boundaries due to the impact of Covid, the examinations system in England has returned to pre-pandemic standards. Therefore, I am delighted that our results are in line with those achieved last year (when grade boundaries were lower) and higher than those achieved in 2019.
As our students embark on the next chapter of their lives, I wish them all the very best of luck – they deserve all the success that I know they will achieve.”