After two very intense 12-hour days of debating and drafting resolution papers the Robert Clack Debate Club came home with 4 awards, including best delegation/school overall out of the whole conference. This is the highest award in the whole competition for Global Classrooms London.
The last time Robert Clack won this prestigious was back in 2018. A special mention goes to Isra and Sarah in our Year 13 cohort who won best delegation when they were in Year 7. They have been working extremely hard in training the younger years for the conference.
Well done to Juliet, Arsh, and Aliza who won their teams to victory by winning honourable delegate. It was also a Robert Clack first as Nada took home the Secretary Generals award.
This year the MUN topic was based around the use of AI and how it affects the world. Each pupil represented a county. Robert Clack was assigned Algeria, China, Lebanon, North Korea, USSR and USA. Some pupils were also on the crisis committee and represented key international thinkers on the such as Lyndon B. Johnson, Vice President, Nikita Khrushchev, Premier of the Soviet Union and Marshal Rodion Malinovsky, Minister of Defence.
Well done to every single pupil involved from all 3 sites and our 6th formers for their dedication to the competition. We are so proud of everyone!
Mrs Aktar Al Hossain & Mr K Saito