Religous Education
Subject director: Miss C Doyle
Through the teaching of Religious Education and Philosophy and Ethics we are preparing our students to be able to respectfully debate challenging issues and to be prepared for life in a multi-faith and multi-cultural society. We encourage and promote independent thought and fully endorse the social and emotional education of those we teach through developing the skills of empathy, sympathy and respect for all. We promote the idea of global citizenship and we hope to encourage our pupils to live successfully in a socially cohesive environment.
Religious Education is a core subject for GCSE. Key Stage 3 is taught over two years as well as Key Stage 4, meaning the GCSE Religious Studies final examination is at the end of Year 10 and follows the Eduqas exam board Route A. A Level Religious Studies follows the AQA specification.
At Key Stage 3 pupils have the exciting opportunity to learn about the major world religions. They are able to explore some of the key beliefs within these religions in relation to ethical issues, such as prejudice and discrimination, evil and suffering (taught through the Holocaust) and medical ethics. These are taught looking at different religious traditions, as well as non-religious views, ensuring that we are working in-line with the locally agreed syllabus to build knowledge and skills for the GCSE examination.
The GCSE course is designed to be taught in year 9 and 10 without losing the rich diversity of the KS3 curriculum. This has taken place ensuring year 7 and 8 still have a varied curriculum, allowing them the opportunity to continue to ask and attempt to answer the big questions whilst preparing them for the early GCSE entry.
At KS5 the AQA Religious Studies A Level course has proved to be of benefit to pupils who engage well with the content.
At KS3 students explore the beliefs of those who follow the Major World Religious and consider these in relation to their own belief systems and morals. They will also consider the importance of belonging to a community and look at issues surrounding commitment and prejudice and Discrimination, Human Rights, the Problem of Evil and Death and the Afterlife - alongside many other interesting and holistic topics.
Revision sites:
Key documents:
At KS4 students will examine how Christianity, Islam and Humanism will respond to the issues discussed in lessons such as relationships, life and death, good and evil and human rights. Students are also given the opportunity to expand their study and knowledge of both Christianity and Islam, by investigating and learning about the key beliefs, practices and the roles of both faiths in a modern society.
Important links:
Revision sites:
Revision guides:
At KS5, students study Philosophy, Ethics and Christianity. Philosophy is concerned with seeking to find answers to “ultimate questions” about the meaning, purpose and origin of life. In Ethics students consider different approaches to making moral decisions and apply these ideas to various issues. Students are also given the opportunity to study the Development in Christian Thought, whereby they focus on key Christian beliefs, such Life after Death, moral decision making and issues surrounding gender. Students during lesson time will be able to assess the history behind these beliefs and how they work in a modern society.
Philosophy, Ethics and Christianity is an essay-based subject in which students develop the skills of logical and rational argument, analysis and critical evaluation. This subject is examination based and at the end of Year 13 students will be assessed on two exams; Paper 1 - Philosophy of Religion and Ethics and Paper 2 - Christianity and dialogues.
Important links:
Revision guides:
A Level Christianity Revision Notes
Key documents:
You can view the complete learning jounrey that students follow in RE here.