Our year 12 music class visited a professional recording studio in London, to learn more about how the studio functions and how the music industry runs. During this trip, Simran was able to record one of her original songs accompanied by Joseph. They produced a brilliant track that the record producer at the studio helped mix and master. It was a day filled with knowledge, that the pupils then took away to write a report about. I would like to extend a massive congratulations to them on their hard work, ethic and positive attitude displayed during the visit.
The music department held its annual Christmas Showcase on the 6th of December. The night was filled full of musical talent from pupils of all ages and across all three sites. We would like to extend a massive thank you to all the staff who supported the event, including: the finance team, IT team, site team, Office staff, Food tech team and everyone who came to watch and support our pupils! Videos from the event, can be found on our Instagram page @RobertClackMusic.
Our whole school choir went to Queens Hospital and Romford City Centre, to perform Christmas Carols and raise money for King George and Queen’s Hospital. Our first stop was at Queens Hospital, where our choir attracted a great crowd! We even had some dementia patients who wanted to sit next to our choir and sing along with them. It was a magical moment that our pupils were very grateful for. We received amazing feedback from the staff at the hospital and the audience that watched.
We then went to the Liberty at Romford and did more singing there. We attracted big crowds and our pupils received amazing feedback and cheering from the public. Although it was a long and tiring day of singing, our pupils were buzzing with excitement! On top of that, our pupils came back to school and then went to Gosfield Road to conduct rehearsals for High School Musical. It is so amazing to see our pupils showing dedication to music at Robert Clack!