The music department strive to provide Robert Clack students with as many opportunities as possible to develop their passion and talent for music.
To enable this, at the beginning of this year the department applied for a funding grant from a wonderful organisation called Restore the Music UK (RTM UK). The grant enables schools to buy high quality equipment for any child who’s interested in learning music.
I am pleased to say that Robert Clack School’s application was successful and we were awarded £20,000. This money has been used to purchase new and replacement equipment for all three sites to ensure that we can deliver a diverse curriculum and offer a range of extra-curricular activities.
Along with our brand new iMac suites across all three sites, we are excited at the range of activities we will be able to provide for our students from September.
For updates from the music department at Robert Clack, follow us on Instagram:
To find out more about Restore the Music UK, check out their Instagram: