Subject leader: Mrs N Chapman
Music is an inclusive subject at Robert Clack which allows all students to express themselves, build confidence and learn about the cultures of others. It enriches and broadens the mind whilst nurturing students’ creativity. Our curriculum is based upon four strands; composing, listening, appraising and performing. Through these strands, students engage in a variety of musical genres and practices.
Students learn a variety of musical instruments and the correct techniques and skills required for each: singing, keyboard, ukulele, guitar and music technology. Students are taught to read music for each instrument and develop their aural skills, as well as having core musicianship skills in every lesson to enhance their overall musical development. This equips them to take Music at GCSE, learn an instrument as a hobby now or later on in life.
The provision of instrumental lessons, provided by the borough music service, allows many students to have lessons on a number of instruments. This is an opportunity for students to enhance their curriculum lessons. All of our GCSE students receive instrumental lessons once per week.
The music department offers a wide range of extra-curricular music clubs which take place at lunchtime and after school every week. Participation in joining these clubs is highly encouraged to enhance the music curriculum lessons.