‘What an afternoon I had; got invited back to Robert Clack by Ellen Monk to speak to some business academy students (not sure I’m qualified to do that!) about making an impact online and it was a blast.
Leading up to it I was terrified at the thought of presenting to 15-17 year olds; they scare me quite honestly. Plus when I was at school I was so uninterested whenever someone came in to give a talk, so thought I’d have the same reception.
But to my surprise it wasn’t that at all. The pupils I met were such a brilliant and funny group of young people; they were attentive, they laughed at my stupid jokes (bonus points!), asked great questions and even asked to connect with me on LinkedIn! Who’d have thunk itπ±
After today, I have every faith the future is in good hands. Thanks for having me Upper School.’
Jamie Mason (class of 2008) also came back to present to our Entrepreneurs about the art of selling. Jamie works for a company called Clear Channel who provide digital advertising spaces. He was also impressed by our Sixth Form students: ‘It was an absolute pleasure. Loved being back! Again it was such a good buzz and if there are any other additional opportunities to try and get involved with please let me know.
Quite a few of the students asked questions which was great to see and the questions asked were really interesting and clever so I was impressed.’