Subject leader: Miss A Gornall
We believe in providing all learners at Robert Clack School with the knowledge and skills needed to succeed in English. Across all 3 keys stages we focus on the following areas: developing the skills to become successful readers and writers; studying a range of texts to ensure a depth of knowledge and love for learning; building independence and preparing students for further academic study and life after school. The curriculum at KS3 is varied, developing pupils’ knowledge whilst building reading and writing skills. We also use the Accelerated Reader Programme to develop reading for pleasure. At Key Stage 4 we build on pupils’ knowledge and skills and develop independence and knowledge of writers and their intentions, giving them the confidence to have faith in their own ideas. Building pupils’ independence will help to prepare students for A Level and further academic study. We hope that by Key Stage 5 they become assured writers with the confidence to research and develop their own ideas outside the confines of the curriculum.
Please find details about our English Curriculum here.
KS4 Information
English Language and Literature GCSE
KS4 Resources
English Language GCSE Specification
English Literature GCSE Specification
Revision sites:
BBC Bitesize (English Language)
BBC Bitesize (English Literature)
Personal learning checklists:
Important links:
A Level English Literature Specification
A Level English Language Specification
Revision sites:
Key documents:
KS5 Subject Information English Language
KS5 Subject Information English Literature
Personal learning checklists: