Robert Clack was one of only two schools invited to a special educational careers event at Drapers Hall Palace in the City of London called The Franklyn lecture in the presence of Masters of Livery companies, Leading educators and VIP'S, CEO'S of London's leading businesses and Sir Martyn Oliver the Head of OFSTED. Yasin Weyli and Katerina Ivanova in Year 13 accompanied Mr Hamill Careers Director and were truly outstanding ambassadors of Robert Clack School by the way they conducted themselves with the 200 plus VIP guests, demonstrating outstanding confident communication skills during the two-hour drinks/food reception which followed the main lecture given by Professor Sir Anthony Finkelstein Senior President of London Universities.
All guests had spoken highly of our school and were extremely complimentary regarding the professional engagement of Yasin and Katerina in year 13 during the two hour reception. During the reception Richard Evans Director of Executive Search London's leading professional recruitment company extended an invitation for Mr Hamill to bring a larger party of sixth form students to another major VIP event at The Drapers Hall Palace in MAY 2025 to engage with CEO employers which will be a great professional careers opportunity for our students to extend future Work Experience opportunities via this networking social event with leading employers.