Leave of Absence Request

Please complete the form below giving as many details as possible as to why you wish your child to have a leave of absence from school.

A request for a leave of absence is considered on its specific circumstances for each child.

Please complete one form per child that you wish to make a leave of absence request for.

Because each request is different, this decision can not be compared with any previous decisions by the school and will not affect any future leave of absence requests.

You will be contacted by letter to inform you of the outcome of your request.

Important information for parents/carers - please read before completing this request form.


The Department for Education Statutory guidance - Working Together to Improve School Attendance advises a leave of absence should only be granted during term time in exceptional circumstances; with consideration to requests being given on a case-by-case basis. The guidance also states that ‘Generally, a need or desire for a holiday or other absence for the purpose of leisure and recreation would not constitute an exceptional circumstance’. 


Schools are not allowed to authorise a leave of absence unless the request is made in advance. Please provide as much notice as possible to enable time for your request to be considered.  If a leave of absence is granted, it is for the headteacher to determine the length of time the pupil can be away from school. 


Where a pupil has been granted a leave of absence and has not attended school within the ten school days immediately after the end of the period that the leave was granted for, the school may begin the process to have the pupil removed from the school roll.


Please be aware that an unauthorised leave of absence may result in a Penalty Notice being issued to each parent of each child that the absence relates to. 

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